We have
just about come to the end of the first year on the Allotment. It hasn't
done too badly really considering what a terrible overgrown weedpatch
it was. It has taken a lot of weeding, weed killer and digging but it
was worth it. The bottom drawer of the freezer if filled with beans -
broad, french and runner. The broad beans were the most successful on
the plot, closely followed by the french and runner. However the beans
for drying were less successful. there were plenty of Cannellini, quite a
few black beans but hardly any borlotti or butter beans. The potatoes
started off well but the maincrop fell victim to blight and had to be
harvested early. I have since learnt that blight is a frequent probnlem
down there so I shall be acquiring some Bordeaux mix for next year's
crop. The beetroot and carrots did well, there are still carrots down
there waiting to be pulled. The sweetcorn was interesting but non
productive, I don't think I'll grow any next year unless I have some
spare space. The onions did quite well, I need to grow far more though
and make sure there's more shallots. I am still waiting for the leeks,
which are very few, and parsnips - hopefully for Christmas dinner.
The soft
fruit has done really well, especially as most plants spent the winter
in pots on the back patio. The strawberry crop was spread out though,
seeming to be ready in 8oz helpings and the raspberries rearely made it
off the allotment - just enough for a snack when weeding. Unfortunately
the blueberries seemed to settle in well and produced flowers but the
fruit all dropped off early. Ineed to test the soil to see if it is acid
enough for them and maybe add something to it or bring them back to the
house & keep in pots.
I didnt
manage to grow any squashes this year - I grew a few pumpkins from seed
but they didnt survive int the cold wet weather. There is a great deal
still to be done, green manure to be dug in, compost to be dug in where I
havent sown green manure. The old bean poles need removing, fruit cage
net replacing, fruit cage extending etc etc. So much to do - but not
today because its pouring with rain!
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